The Harm Caused by Redemption

How Redemption and Atonement Theology Harms Our Relationships Jesus paid it all All to Him I owe Sin had caused a crimson stain He washed it white as snow. The theology of redemption captured in the ol’ time gospels. Redemption. Defined as “An act of redeeming or atoning for a fault or mistake,” or “The…

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The Fallacy of the Trinity and the Harm It Has Caused

Unlearning toxic theology and finding your beliefs I’m often asked what I believe, and I rarely answer for several reasons. The primary reason I don’t answer is because our dialogue then becomes about one person proving the other person wrong about what they believe. Or at least that has been my experience. I will often…

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Rev Karla’s Interview with Amir Yass

Deconstructing Faith With a Queer, Muslim Unicorn During this interview Rev Karla spends time with Amir Yass, a queer Muslim who actively fights against racism, transphobia, and body shaming in the LGBTQIA+ community. Amir shares that humor helped in combating bullying during his school days, as he was the only Muslim in an all-Christian school.…

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Through the Voice of My Grandmother

I’m convinced my grandmother died with sermons in her heart that she was never allowed to teach. The video is simple in its creation, lending to the overall impact of its message. A young man in his 20’s with a handkerchief over his head to symbolize the character being portrayed is a woman. A handkerchief…

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Deconstructing Christianity: An interview with Pastor Paul

Deconstructing Christianity: An interview with Pastor Paul In this interview Rev Karla spends time with Paul Swearengin, also known as Unconventional Pastor Paul. Pastor Paul is best known for asking questions of the American Christian church and culture that others might not feel free to express. They have the heart to connect people with their…

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Finding God Outside of the Church Walls

Finding God Outside of the Church Walls Find Spiritual Options Outside Church to Connect with God   For many people, the church is the traditional and expected place to find God.* However, for others, the church is not an option, either because of personal beliefs or a lack of access to a church community. Finding…

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When Life Is Smarter Than You Are

When Life Is Smarter Than You Are A Personal Look At The Long Way Around   How’s this for a segue? Being pregnant at 16 has its challenges. Now that we have that out of the way, fast forward a few more years. Now with two young children, barely in my 20s, the financial pressure…

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What Exactly Does Deconstructing From My Faith Mean?

What Exactly Does Deconstructing From My Faith Mean? Deconstructing From Organized Religion Is Not The Same As Denying Your Faith Deconstructing from Christianity can be challenging and sometimes painful, particularly for those who have grown up in a strict Christian home where devotion to church was part of daily life. However, this process can also…

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The Power of Connection

The Power of Connection The Emotional Toll of Losing Your Church Community “I just miss the people.” A version of that statement is often said by people who leave church, and I feel this deeply. It’s a heartbreaking by-product of making the decision to leave the place where one has deep roots and relationships that…

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