
The Gratitude Journey Experience Survey

Question 1 : Did this course meet your expectations?

1. Exceeded Expectations
2. Met Expectations
3. Below Expectations

Question 2 : Did the course material and videos meet your expectations?

1. Exceeded Expectations
2. Met Expectations
3. Below Expectations

Question 3 : Did the course promotional material and emails accurately reflect the course?

1. Exceeded Expectations
2. Met Expectations
3. Below Expectations

Question 4 : How would you rate your experience with registering for the course, daily emails, journal prompts, etc?

1. Exceeded Expectations
2. Met Expectations
3. Below Expectations

Question 5 : How likely are you to attend a future workshop or course offered by Numa Soul?

1. I will not attend another course or workshop
2. Depending on the topic, I most likely will not attend another workshop or course
3. Depending on the topic, I most likely will attend another workshop or course
4. I will attend all of the courses & workshops!

Question 6 : In the space below, please provide us with any additional feedback you would like to share.

Question 7 : Did you receive the daily emails for The Gratitude Journey?

1. Yes
2. No

Question 8 : Name

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The Gratitude Journey Experience Survey

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