Do You Worship Paul or Jesus?

Do You Worship Paul or Jesus? They’ve come to be known as the Christian Karens, those who repeatedly respond in the comments on my social media posts and videos with scripture as if it is the ultimate smackdown. (Hint — it isn’t). Yet it repeatedly happens, several times each day in fact. The verses are…

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The Spiritual but Not Religious Journey

The Spiritual but Not Religious Journey Embracing Spiritual Growth Beyond Religious Confines October 10, 2021 | Read Time: 2 Minutes The Holy meets you right where you are. I recently spent time going through questions from followers—thousands of them from this past year. Some people share their stories. Some people simply want to be seen…

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It’s Only Out of Love That I Judge You

It’s Only Out of Love That I Judge You Why Christian love hurts, dehumanizes and needs to be called out… “There is nothing more hateful than Christian love.” This phrase is a paradox, and people’s responses to it range from relief by those who have been hurt by it, to anger and offense toward those…

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Not All Christians?

Not All Christians? ​We’ve been here before, but it’s obvious this is a topic we’re destined to revisit time and again. I’ll begin by admitting that I understand how some people may feel compelled to push back with a “Not all” statement when the truth hits too close to home. I understand this because I’ve…

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Summertide Chasing the Sun ”… And we’ll never grow old again You’ll find us chasing the sun …” That’s from a song you may already be familiar with called “Chasing the Sun.” The video has been viewed on YouTube over 127,000,000 times. Well, I don’t know where I’ve been because that’s kind of a big…

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God Within Us

God Within Us ​Searching for Connection to the Holy There was a time I was a huge Mercy Me fan. For those unfamiliar with them, they are one of the most popular contemporary Christian rock bands whose popularity soared with their hit “Word of God Speak.” This song crossed music genres and was continually played…

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I Won’t Back Down

I Won’t Back Down An Invitation to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone “Rev Karla, why do you have to be so rude? She’s just sharing her opinion.” Wait, what? I must admit, the first time someone said something like that to me, it gave me pause. I hadn’t expected that a follower would suggest…

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You Say “Abomination” Like It’s a Bad Thing

You Say “Abomination” Like It’s a Bad Thing When Scripture is Weaponized to Dehumanize “Stop cherry-picking the Bible!” This comment gets thrown at me any time I speak on why being gay is not a sin, how you can be spiritual and not religious or why Christianity does not “own” the rainbow, much less God.…

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Nothing Stays the Same

Nothing Stays the Same The wisdom in the Summer Solstice The first day of summer is magical for children. It means pools are open, the air is warm and the watermelon will be delicious. The seasonal turn is an invitation to tune into nature — and the Holy — in mystical and powerful ways that…

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God is Black, Gay and Female

God is Black, Gay and Female Dispelling Toxic Religious Myths I grew up with a very specific image of God. It would pop into my head any time I heard God’s name, so it was especially prevalent during church worship services. If you were raised Christian, you may have had a similar image — a…

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