
Forgiveness Some experts and spiritual healers disagree on what “true” forgiveness is. On one end of the spectrum are those who are indoctrinated into teachings within Christianity that place the onus entirely on the betrayed. They are expected to forgive and welcome the offender back into their lives as if nothing ever happened. This is…

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Being Kind While Being a Sacred Activist

Being Kind While Being a Sacred Activist “How can I be kind and still stand up for myself and my beliefs?” This is a common question I get asked, particularly after I post a video pushing back on racist, homophobic, misogynistic or bigoted ideologies (sometimes all of them at once). It often gives me pause…

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The Radicalization of American Christianity

The Radicalization of American Christianity I write to hold sacred space. What often arises are stories from my life or our collective humanity that build a bridge between us and God. However, every time I tried to write this particular blog I froze, unable to focus on anything other than the crisis facing our nation…

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What Does Chaos Teach Us?

What Does Chaos Teach Us? The new year awaits you, Beloved. The journey here may have you yearning to collapse into the arms of 2021, seeking respite from the chaos that was 2020. The New Year has been the subject of many internet jokes suggesting that with its arrival, we’d awaken from this nightmare, and…

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Reflection Beloved, it’s time to get uncomfortable. No, I’m not talking about push-ups or a high-level sudoku puzzle, although challenging the mind and body in these ways has proven to build new muscle and stimulate the brain. We don’t see mind/body work as threatening — we simply dive in or don’t partake. I’m talking about…

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Turning Toward the Light – the Winter Solstice

Turning Toward the Light – the Winter Solstice Our ancestors understood the significance of this day, which, in our time, has been minimized to represent the “first day of winter.” In my childhood, the first day of winter was cause for celebration — it was the herald of school breaks and gift giving. But it’s…

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Wisdom in World Religions

Wisdom in World Religions I remember it well. For eight weeks, I bundled up my two young children and headed to mid-week Bible study at our Christian church across town. This was a time in my life when my personal and spiritual identity were firmly wrapped up in my spiritual community. That meant if the…

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Preparing to Receive the Holy

Preparing to Receive the Holy The holiday season for Americans officially kicks off with Black Friday — a highly commercialized shopping day filled with deep discounts and frantic shopping. That type of shopping isn’t for everyone, including me. The thought of massive crowds and endless lines are enough to keep us safely at home while…

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Spiritual Reset 2021

Spiritual Reset 2021 Most of us would agree there isn’t a more powerful display of humans’ physical abilities than when the athletes convene from around the world for the Olympics. These athletes have dedicated their lives to this moment of time — moving away from home to be nearer to training facilities and coaches, foregoing…

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Gratitude Journey

Gratitude Journey “In all things, give thanks… ” Those words are found in the apostle Paul’s closing to the people of Thessalonica. Some iteration of this phrase is commercialized by being placed on everything from coffee mugs to bumper stickers to offer a gentle reminder about the importance of gratitude as a state of being…

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